Monday, September 21, 2009

M is for Making Day

In an effort to keep on top of shop stuff, we've decided to make Mondays our making day. A day entirely dedicated to building up stock, making sure we've got what we need to ship for our current orders, packaging things up, etc. I think one of the best parts about it (aside from just keeping everything together in my mind, no easy feat I can tell you) is that we can really separate this part of our daily work from other things like school for Richard and doula work for me, and not feel guilty that we're always meant to be doing something else. Today was really lovely, we both headed out for supplies (and a not so quick tea date with a friend) and then fell into a nice rhythm of making for the rest of the day. By the end of the day it felt like we'd really accomplished a lot, and it was way less stressful than it often can be trying to juggle everything. I can see making Mondays becoming quite the regular event around here.

How was everyone's weekend? Ours was lovely and relaxing, with a bit of housework and laundry thrown in for good measure (seriously, when will it ever stop??). The double feature date night was great, despite the fact that neither of us could make it through a second movie, seeing Donnie Darko on the big screen was so great. I haven't seen it in awhile and I'd forgotten how much I loved it. And Maggie Gyllenhaal, love her.


Amber Csar said...

The image of you and Richard sleeping in the theater makes me giggle, but perhaps you actually just went home :) Either way, you two are so cute!

Keep posting pictures of Making Monday, so good.